Kindergarten Teachers East Primary School
Kindergarten Pencil Box Kits Kiwanis and Agape

The Kiwanis Club of St. Marys has shown their love for the community by helping students at East Primary and Holy Rosary Schools. They joined hands with Agape Ministries, Inc. to give kindergarten students special pencil box kits. These kits contain two pencils, one glue stick, one eraser, and a pack of crayons for a little extra fun.

Education is really important, and the Kiwanis Club knows that. By giving these kits to kindergarteners, they’re not just giving school supplies. They’re giving kids the things they need to feel confident in their learning. The pencils will help them write their first words, the glue stick is for hands-on projects, the eraser teaches them it’s okay to make mistakes, and the crayons let them be creative.

Agape Ministries, Inc. is a big help in making this happen. They care about our community just like the Kiwanis Club does, so they joined forces to make a bigger impact. Adding crayons to the pencil boxes makes learning more colorful and fun. It lets kids express themselves and use their imagination.

But it’s not just about school supplies; it’s about showing kids that their community cares about them and wants them to do well in school. This act of kindness reminds us that even small acts can make a big difference. It inspires others to help out too. Together, we can all make our community better and brighter, just like these pencil box kits are doing for our young learners. So, let’s remember that sometimes the simplest things, like pencils and crayons, can bring the biggest smiles and spread the most joy.