Become a Kiwanis Member

If you or your company is community-minded, you might benefit from being a part of Kiwanis. We are a global volunteer organization dedicated to serving the children of the world through community service. We offer individual and corporate memberships.

Individual Membership

An individual membership is great for people who are looking to build their personal leadership skills, network and make friends with like-minded people while serving children locally and throughout the world.

Corporate Membership

A corporate membership offers the same opportunities as an individual membership.
A corporate member’s workplace benefits from being named a corporate sponsor of Kiwanis, while the individual representative enjoys the benefits of being part of a club.

A corporate membership can be paid either by the company or the individual. Check with your supervisor or Human Resources department regarding your company’s policy. Your company can have as many corporate memberships as it desires. If a corporate member leaves the company, your company simply choses a new person to represent it at Kiwanis meetings and events. The company continues to pay annual dues but will not be charged a new-member fee for sending a new representative.

How a Corporate Membership Works

Your corporation will be registered with Kiwanis International as a member of your local Kiwanis club. A corporate representative of your choosing is designated as the Kiwanis club member. He or she attends meetings, fundraisers and service project and is eligible to hold board or officer positions, and to act as the club delegate at conventions. If the corporate member can’t attend a meeting or event, another member of your organization can attend in that person’s place. The replacement will not, however, be considered an actual club member unless they join.

Reasons to Join

  • You become an advocate for your company, representing its point of view in decisions affecting your community. For instance, if your company is already involved with a community project, you will have a chance to encourage your club to join the company’s efforts. Kiwanians often provide man-power or help fund existing community projects.

  • You help your company demonstrate corporate social responsibility in your community. Consumers today are conscious of where they spend their money and prefer doing business with companies that give back to society.

  • Your company develops an affiliation with a well-respected service organization. Kiwanians are known and respected around the globe for their generosity and ability to bring people and community partners together for the good of all.

Have you been looking to do some volunteering for good causes in your community? Do you like helping kids, having fun and feeling like you made a difference? Why not consider joining us and become a member of our Kiwanis club?

Please join us at one of our weekly meetings.
If you have any questions, you can Email:
We will receive your email and contact you as soon as we can.